2015 Open Water Spring Walleye Fishing Is Underway on Lake Erie!
Pre-spawn walleyes in Lake Erie's western basin have been committing suicide for the past week (April 8 - April13th) with the warm southern air and stable weather we've had recently. Suspended walleyes are being caught all around the reef complex (A can, B can, D can, & F can area) using deep husky jerks, perfect 10's and reef runner crankbaits. Running leads of anywhere from 50 back to 120 back (depending on the lure) have been targeting the 10 to 20 foot depths. The key is looking for "stained" water or a mudline with big hooks on your fishfinder! Fish are also being taken "jigging" on the reefs as well. Hair jigs, vibees, and Erie ArrowHead Spoons tipped with minnows and jigged near bottom have been working for us! Cone reef, Niagra reef, and toussaint reefs have been steady producers! @BADMOLURES
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